아니 왜 스포 방지를 해놔도 검색하면 스포가 먼저 뜨는거죠 도배를 해서 그런가 뭐여 셜록 301 셜록 베네딕트 셜록 홈즈 컴버배치 

셜록 보틀 비어 방울 모자 진짜 귀여워 미치겠다 301 셜록은 씹덕스러움의 결정체였다 엄청 귀엽다 너무 귀엽다 

1 - Baron Maupertuis

죽음을 위장하고 런던으로부터 떠나서 세계각국에 뻗어있는 모리아티 네트워크를 찾아 해체시키며 보낸 2년,

런던에 돌아오기 직전 마횽의 대사에 언급되는 Baron Maupertuis  이 모페르튀스? 모페서스? 남작이 어디에 나오냐하면

원작 셜록홈즈의 회상집에 나오는 <라이게이트의 대저택>편 제일 첫장에 언급되는 이름.

"1887년 봄, 내 친구 셜록 홈즈는 지나치게 일을 많이 한 탓에 극도의 신경과로로 쓰러져, 회복될 때까지는 충분한 시간이 필요했다. 네덜란드의 수마트라 회사 사건과 

모펠튜이 남작의 대음모 사건(The colossal schemes of Baron Maupertuis)의 전모는 너무나도 사람들의 기억에 생생하고 정치 및 경제와 밀착한 것이기 때문에 

탐정 이야기의 소재로서는 부적당하다."

2. Mondey glands(원숭이 체액)과 프레스버리 교수

원작 셜록홈즈의 사건집 <기어다니는 남자> 참고 :

프레스버리 교수에게 -

당신이 나를 찾아온 다음 나는 당신의 증상에 대해서 많이 생각해 보았소. 당신 사정상 이 약물을 복용하는 특별한 이유가 있겠지만 그럼에도 불구하고 나는 조심하라고 말하고 싶소. 내 실험 결과에 따르면 어떤 종류든 부작용이 있기 때문이오. 

유인원 혈청이 효과가 더 좋을 가능성이 있소. 전에 내가 설명했듯이 나는 얼굴이 검은 랑구르(몸이 마른 아시아 남부산 원숭이)를 사용하고 있었소. 쉽게 구할 수 있는게 그것밖에 없었기 때문이오. 랑구르는 주로 기어 다니고 높은 데 잘 올라가지만 유인원은 똑바로 서서 걷고 모든 면에서 인간과 더 비슷하오. 

모든 과정이 끝나기 전에 이 사실이 알려지지 않도록 가능한 모든 사전 조치를 취해 달라고 부탁하고 싶소. 잉글랜드에 이 약을 복용하는 사람이 한 명 더 있고, 도락이 당신과 그에게 나를 대신해 약물을 판매하고 있소. 매주 보고를 해주면 고맙겠소.

- H.로웬스타인

3. 온라인 남친의 정체

원작 <<셜록홈즈의 모험>>에 실린 <신랑의 정체 A Case of Identity> 사건 참고:

양아버지 윈디뱅크, 애인 행세


4 - 늙은 헌책방 주인

왓슨이 일하는 병원에 찾아온 괴상한 늙은 환자. 

자신을 처치스트릿 코너에서 작은 가게를 운영하고 있는 사람이라고 소개하면서 왓슨에게 몇가지 잡스런 도서들을 추천해주는데

원작의 홈즈-왓슨 재회 장면을 재밌게도 비틀어놨다

고서를 수집하는 노인으로 변장해서 왓슨의 병원으로 직접 찾아온 것이

원작 홈즈가 왓슨에게 자신이 살아 돌아왔음을 알리는 방식이었다

"… 놀랍게도 방문객은 아까 만난 서적을 수집하는 노인이었다. 

적어도 12권은 됨직한 책들을 오른쪽 옆구리에 소중한 듯 끼고 있는 흰수염의 노인은 날카로운 눈빛을 보이고 있었다. … 

… 나는 고개를 돌려 뒤에 있는 책꽂이를 보았다. 그리고 다시 고개를 돌리자 책상 앞에 셜록 홈즈가 서있었다."

원작과는 다르게 ㅋㅋㅋ 존은 이 무고한 노인을 보고 셜록이 변장해서 찾아온 것으로 오해하고

한껏 비웃으면서 노인의 수염을 뜯어내려고 합니다....민망하게도 wrong!

4. Guy fawkes night

<가이 포크스의 날>은 영국의 전통적인 연례 행사인데 보통은 불꽃을 터트리거나, 가이포크스의 인형을 불태우며 기념하는 날이다.

무엇을 기념하는 날인고 하니, 가이포크스를 포함한 로마 가톨릭 교도들이 국왕 제임스 1세의 가톨릭 억압 정책에 반발해,

거사일을 11월 5일로 정하고(영국의회 개회일이라 국왕과 상,하원, 왕비와 왕자까지 모두 참석하기때문에) 36배럴의 화약을 가지고 국회를 통째로 날려버리려고 했지만 

붙잡혀서 미수에 그쳤던 화약음모사건 (Gunpowder plot)을 기리는 날이다. 

11월 5일. 모런은 anti-terrorism에 대한 새 법안의 표결을 붙이기위해 의원들이 집합하는 국회의사당을 날려버릴 계획이고.

Remember, remember the fifth of November, 

Gunpowder treason and plot. 

We see no reason 

Why gunpowder treason 

Should ever be forgot! 

Posted by mole64 :

This week... Zürich !!

존피네모어가 공지한 대로 수요일에 올라온 캐빈프레셔 소식!

...은 이미 예상한 것이긴 하지만 막상 작가 입으로 들으니 슬픈, 캐빈 프레셔의 마지막 에피소드에 관한 소식이었다.

4시즌 마지막 에피소드 "yverdon-les-bains" (올해 2월에 방송했었지 아마)의 클리프행어적 끝을 이어서 마무리 지으며 

6년에 걸친 26개 에피로 캐빈프레셔는 대단원의 막을 내리게 되었다.

이렇게 끝날거라고 예상은 했지만 - 어쨌거나 알파벳도 z 까지 밖에 없으니까.

그래도 사랑하는 시리즈가 막을 내린다는 소식은 예상과는 관계없이 언제나 아쉽다. 

듣는 날보다 듣지 않는 날이 더 많은데 완전히 끝난다고 하니까 왜이렇게 허전한가요.

물론 다음 에피소드를 기약없이 기다리는 것 보다야 가장 아쉬울때 깔끔하게 막을 내리는게 낫다고 생각하긴 하지만.

마지막이 될 "zurich" 는 스페셜 답게 45분짜리 에피소드고, 

크리스마스 쯤에 나오지 않을까 했던 팬들의 예상과는 달리 내년 초에 녹음 할 예정이라고.

어쨌거나, 알파벳을 거스를순 없지요.

뻐킹 알파벳.




Posted by mole64 :

National Theatre 50th Anniversary 

영국 공연예술계의 대표격인 국립 극장 내셔널 시어터가 1963년 설립된 지 50주년을 맞아

연극계를 빛내주었던 배우들을 불러모아 그동안을 되짚어보는 기념 공연을 마련했다.   

데렉자코비경, 주디덴치, 매기스미스, 로저알람, 헬렌미렌, 랄프파인즈, 로리키니어, 베네딕트 컴버배치 등등

이때가 아니면 언제 한무대에서 볼 수 있을까 싶을 만큼 대단한 배우들이 모이는 자리라 굉장히 기대되는 공연이었지요~

표값이 무지 비쌌지만 다행히 BBC2 에서 방송해주었고 망할 시차때문에 우리나라에선 6시쯤에 볼 수 있었다...

아무튼. 방송된지는 좀 됐지만 고화질 영상을 얻은 김에 포스팅.

베니 퍼포먼스는 세번째 쯤이었는데 말간 얼굴의 베니가 등장해서 자기가 할 퍼포에 대해 간략히 코멘트해주었다.

요즘 베니 머리 넘넘 예쁨. 나 혼자 소프트콘 스타일이라고 부르고 있다.

<Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead>

written by Tom Stoppard

<로젠크란츠와 길덴스턴 죽다> 라는 작품은 영국의 극작가 톰 스토파드의 희곡으로,

셰익스피어의 <햄릿>에 단역으로 잠깐 나오고 마는 햄릿의 어렸을 적 친구 로젠크란츠와 길덴스턴을 전면에 내세우며 

원작을 재해석한 부조리극이다. 흥미롭죠. 원작의 단역을 주인공으로, 비극을 부조리극으로.

톰 스토파드가 직접 연출한 동명의 영화도 있다. 그 영화로 베니스 황금사자상(90')도 수상하고.

영화에선 게리올드만이 로젠크란츠, 팀로스가 길덴스턴을 연기했었음.

로젠크란츠 역의 베니와 길덴스턴 역의 Kobna가 자리를 잡고 앉은채로 공연 시작.

극의 2막에 해당하는 장면인데, 특이하게도 로젠크란츠가 동전던지기를 하는 씬으로부터 시작한다.

저 부분은 원래 로젠크란츠가 동전던지기 하던 것을 까먹었다고 얘기하는 부분이었는데, 주어진 시간이 짧아 한두씬밖에 보여줄 수 없으니 

동전던지기를 대신 집어넣는게 더 자연스럽게 이어지는 듯 하네.

동전 던지기에 대해서 말해보자면, 이 희곡의 첫 장면부터 둘은 아무 목적없이 동전던지기를 한다. 길덴스턴이 동전을 던지고 로젠크란츠는 "앞면"을 외치고, 정말로 앞면이 나와서 로젠크란츠가 그 동전을 가짐. 그런데 계속 동전을 던질때마다 앞면이 나오네? 열번이고 스무번이고, 던질때마다 매번 앞면이 나오는 거다. 따지고 보면 각각의 동전던지기는 별개로 일어나는 사건이기때문에, 각각의 동전을 던질때마다 앞/뒷면이 나올 확률은 반반으로 똑같으니 계속 앞면만 나오는게 불가능하다고는 할 수 없겠지. 하지만 사람들은 연속적으로 반복되는 사건에 대해서 의미를 부여하기 마련이라. 더욱 위화감이 드는 것은 보통 사람이라면 불길해하거나 두려워하거나 의심할만한 이상한 상황인데도 로젠크란츠는 아무생각없이 그저 동전을 던져서 앞면을 확인하는 동작만 반복하는 것이다. 로젠크란츠가 어떤 캐릭터인지 감이 좀 잡히죠. 


코스튬이 정말로 신의 한수...

베니 어깨가 넓은편은 아닌데 의상 어깨부분에 달린 날개가 보완해주쟈나.

게다가 긴 목은 카라를 세워서 감싸주고. 하늘하늘한 셔츠에 쇄골 약간 보이는 노출도는 정말 최고다.

타이즈&롱부츠 조합은 굳이 말하지 않아도 뭐...씹더쿠의 로망이잖아 완전 흑흑

표정이 너무 귀여워서 두장

이번 공연 보면서 느낀거지만, 타이밍을 제대로 다룰 줄 아는 배우라고 느낌. 

연기의 박자가 엄청 찰지다고할까.. 타고난건지 계산을 잘하는 건지는 몰라도 찰나의 머뭇거림이나 재빠르게 치고들어가는 타이밍을 미묘하게 조절해서 그 페이스에 관객이 쉽게 휘말려버리는 느낌. 그러니까 코미디도 종종 해줬으면 참 좋겠다는 생각이 든다. 코미디야말로 치고빠지는 타이밍이 아주 중요하게 작용하니까. 무게있는 역을 주로 맡는 정극배우긴 하지만 캐빈프레셔나 셜록만 봐도 알수있듯이 코미디도 엄청 잘 살리더란 말이지.    

의상 너무 귀엽고 난리...


     ROS : heads.


     ROS : heads.


     ROS : heads.


     ROS : heads.


     GUIL: Yes, one must think of the future.

     ROS: It's the normal thing.

     GUIL: To have one. One is, after all, having it all the time... now... and now... and now....

     ROS: It could go on forever. Well,  not forever, I suppose. 


              Do you ever think of yourself as actually dead, lying in a box with a lid on it?

     GUIL: No.

     ROS: Nor do I, really.... It's silly to be depressed by it. I mean one thinks  of it like  being alive in a box, one keeps forgetting to take into account the

              fact that one is dead ... which should make a difference...shouldn't it? I mean, you'd never know you were in a box, would  you? 

              It would be just like being asleep in a box. Not that I'd like to sleep in a box, mind you, not without any air - you'd wake up dead, for a start 

              and then where would you be? Apart from inside a box. 

              That's the bit I don't like, frankly. 

              That's why I don't talk of it...

              Because you'd be helpless, wouldn't you? Stuffed in a box like that, I mean you'd  be in there forever. Even taking into account the fact that 

              you're dead, really ... ask yourself, if I asked you straight off  - I'm going to stuff you in this box now, would you rather be alive or dead?

              Naturally, you'd prefer to be alive. because Life in a box is better than no life at all. I expect. 

              You'd have a chance at least. You could lie there  thinking - well, at  least I'm not dead! In a minute someone's going to bang on the lid and 

              tell me to come out. (Banging on the floor with his fists.)  "Hey you, whats your name! Come out of there!"

     GUIL : You don't have to flog it to death!


     ROS : I wouldn't  think about it, if I were you. You'd only get depressed. 


              Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?  

피날레는 모든 캐스트들이 무대로 나온 후 프랜시스드라투어가 무대감독역으로 상대역 사무엘 앤더슨과 관객을 향해 

지난 무대들을 회고한 후에 그동안 무대를 빛내준 연극의 대사들이 장내에 울리기 시작하고

등을 돌리고 서있던 배우들이 뒤를 돌며 읊는 저마다의 대사가 겹쳐 울리다가 끝난다. 

그리고 이어지는 커튼콜.

뒤에 있어도 눈에 띕니다 너는

커튼콜에 앞줄 가운데에서 앤드류스캇 손을 꼭 잡고 꼿꼿하게 서있는 것 좀 보라지

베니가 저 청셔츠 좋아하는 것 만큼 저도 저 청셔츠를 좋아해요

이번해 방일때 공항에서 입었었지 저거

예쁘게 직각 인사

좁쌀만해도 눈에 띕니다 너는

로저알람이랑 한 화면에 알아서 잡혀주는 흐뭇한 위치선정

좀 더 가까이 있었으면 좋았겠지만!!

너무 흐뭇한 나머지 몹쓸 필터링 효과를 주고 말았다

Posted by mole64 :

Little Favour

베니가 뜻 맞는 친구들과 모여서 자기들끼리 프로덕션 세우고 십시일반 펀딩 받아가지고 제작한 인디필름, 

<Little Favour>가 드디어 아이튠즈에 풀렸다.

한국아이튠즈는 당연히 서비스 되지않고, 미국/영국 계정으로 다운받아야하는 번거로움이 있다.

해외 계정만드는거야 간단한 일이고 구매도 해외지불 가능한 카드만 있으면 됩니다요.

HD가 3달러 밖에 안하잖아. 커피 한잔 값도 안되는 가격에 커피 여섯잔은 드링킹 한 듯한 효과를 주는데도!

20여분의 짧은 액션스릴러. 보다보면 느와르 느낌도 나고. 

엠파이어에선 오우삼이 만든 <The Ipcress File> 같다고도 표현 하더라만..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

줄거리를 얘기할 수는 없으니(스포 피하며 얘기할만한게 많지가 않다) 스토리 발단 정도만 소개해보자면,

전역한 군인 월레스(베네딕트 컴버배치)에게 과거 전우였던 제임스(콜린 샐먼)가 접선해온다.

"친구야 내 부탁 들어주기로 한 거 잊지 않았제? 금마 지금 들어줘야 쓰겄는디..."

라며 중요한 부탁을 해오고, 월레스는 어쩔 수 없이 부탁을 들어주게 된다. 그리고 그 때문에 사건에 휘말리는건 당연지사.. 

'little' 이라니...ㅋㅋㅋ 작은 부탁 하나 더 들어줬다가는 이승 탈출 급행열차 타게 생김 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

참고로 favor가 아니라 favour인 이유는 영국식 표기라서. 틀린거 아님. 쓸 때 마다 빨간줄 뜨니까 되게 거슬리쟈나.


엠파이어와의 인터뷰에서 참고한 제작 과정 이야기.

패트릭 먼로는 톰하디의 개인트레이너로 알려져있는데 베니도 톰하디로부터 소개받아서 몇년간 알고 지내다가

스타트렉 빌런 역할을 위해 패트릭에게 벌크업 트레이닝을 받게되면서 더욱 친해졌다고.

서로 앞으로 하고싶은 액션이나 스릴러물에 대한 얘기를 뻔질나게 나누다가 패트릭이 삘받아서 시나리오를 쓰기 시작하고 

베니에게 결과물을 보여줬는데 그 스크립트에 완전 뻑가버린거지. 

급하게 제작 준비를 시작해서 애덤 애클랜드, 벤 딜런, 애덤 셀비?랑 같이 Sunnymarch 라고 프로덕션도 세우고.

하지만 곧 셜록 촬영으로 돌아가야 해서 시간은 부족한데 제작에 적어도 25천파운드는 있어야 해서 생각한게

인디필름 펀딩 사이트인 인디고고에서 펀딩을 받았는데 12일만에 8만파운드가 모였음ㅋㅋㅋ 팬덤 파워 짱짱맨.

뭐 이렇게 제작이 된거다. 

참고로 패트릭 먼로의 친딸인 패리스 윈터양도 출연하는데... 이야...짱짱걸임ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


머리 깔끔하게 넘긴 월레스가 나중엔 땀과 피에 젖어서 셜록 머리 된 상태로 막 헐떡헐떡...

리틀페이버는 베니 팬에게는 눈요깃거리로 가득 찬 필름일뿐더러 그 자체로도 상당히 재밌다.

액션 시퀀스도 볼만하고. 특히 월레스 거주지에서 벌어졌던 액션씬이 짧은데도 참 좋았어. 

뻔한 얘기일 것 같지만 안 뻔함. 배경 스토리는 굉장히 압축되어있고 급전개로 진행되지만 

효과적으로 긴장감을 이끌어내다가 임팩트 큰거 하나 날리고 끝남.

 그렇게 끝낼줄이야...가차없다 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋ

베니는 되게 심각한 표정 짓고 있지만 머리 넘기고 있으니까 내 눈엔 마냥 곱단해보일뿐...후후

피떡 된 베니도 물론 좋았지만 가장 꽂혔던 모습은 다른게 아니라

콜린이랑 붙어있어서 상대적으로 키 작아보여가지고 귀여움 폭발하는 베니였더라...

이것만 보면 맨날 주인공 따라다니면서 툴툴대다가 중요한 순간에 적에게 볼모로 잡히거나 하는 귀요미 사이드킥 같아보이잖아

주머니에 손넣고 걷는것도 새침하니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 미쳤나봐

Posted by mole64 :

     ROS : heads.


     ROS : heads.


     ROS : heads.


     ROS : heads.


     GUIL: Yes, one must think of the future.

     ROS: It's the normal thing.

     GUIL: To have one. One is, after all, having it all the time... now... and now... and now....

     ROS: It could go on forever. Well,  not forever, I suppose. 


             Do you ever think of yourself as actually dead, lying in a box with a lid on it?

     GUIL: No.

     ROS: Nor do I, really.... It's silly to be depressed by it. I mean one thinks  of it like  being alive in a box, one keeps forgetting to  

             take into account the fact that one is dead ... which should make a difference...shouldn't it? I mean, you'd never know you were 

             in a box, would  you? It would be just like being asleep in a box. Not that I'd like to sleep in a box, mind you, not without any air -  

             you'd wake up dead, for a start and then where would you be? Apart from inside a box. That's the bit I don't like, frankly. 

             That's why I don't talk of it....

            (GUIL stirs restlessly, pulling his cloak round him.)

             Because you'd be helpless, wouldn't you? Stuffed in a box like that, I mean you'd  be in there forever. Even taking into account the                fact that you're dead, really ... ask yourself, if I asked you straight off  - I'm going to stuff you in this box now, would you rather be

             alive or dead?

             Naturally, you'd prefer to be alive. because Life in a box is better than no life at all. I expect. You'd have a chance at least. 

             You could lie there  thinking - well, at  least I'm not dead! In a minute someone's going to bang on the lid and tell me to come out. 

            (Banging on the floor with his fists.)  "Hey you, whats your name! Come out of there!"

     GUIL : You don't have to flog it to death!


     ROS : I wouldn't  think about it, if I were you. You'd only get depressed. 


             Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?  

Posted by mole64 :

ㅋㅋㅋ눈빛 봐 

작년 말콤터커 빙의해서 GQ 크리스마스 인사 찍었을때 찍은 코믹 피쳐인듯

그래서 다시 가져왔습니다

말콤 풔..아니 터커가 전하는 메리 퍽킹 크리스마스~ 툴루~

Posted by mole64 :

BC :

Hello reddit. My film The Fifth Estate opens 10/18.

You can check out footage here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43ki3z0ZmXA&feature=c4-overview&list=UUgc-Ye79Z558TEZqryYesNA

Proof: Fancy a cup?

Update: Also, please check out the trailer for Little Favour, directed by a friend of mine Patrick Monroe. I hope you enjoy it!

1) What is your favorite childhood memory? If you were stranded on a desert island with the basic essentials, what additional 3 things would you want to have and why?

BC – Hello! My favourite childhood memory is the blue sky above my parents flat. If I were on a desert island I would love to have a scuba diving kit. My family. And my partner of the moment – whomever I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. If it’s not people that am allowed. Additional equipment would be a kindle with a never ending memory of books. And a survival handbook.

2) Benedict, You must get asked many of the same questions over and over, but I’d like to know — what’s a question you WISH someone would ask? Something that matters to you about which you’d love to speak candidly? (And of course, what’s the answer to that question?) Also, thank you for sharing your immense talent and for doing this AMA. You are both well-respected and well-loved, and it’s deserved from what I can tell.

BC - Well thank you very much, first of all. I often feel in interviews people should ask about the culture and people that I engage with as an audience rather than the same bio or personal life details. Rough with the very, very smooth, these are high class problems. The best interviews evolve like conversation. They’re not lead by journalists that are seeking to thrill their editor with predictable copy and questions that are basically answers. Sadly, that’s the norm. But there are exceptions which sometimes make it worthwhile.

3) Mr Cumberbatch, you so rarely get to do comedy these days, and you were hilarious in Starter for 10! It seems from interviews and such that you and Simon Pegg got on well while filming Star Trek. As Mr Pegg has a tendency to cast his friends in his work, is there any chance we might one day get to see you in a future Pegg comedy film?

BC -That is a question for Simon, obviously. I love my comedy and when the right project comes up I won’t shy away from it. There’s a lot of humour in what I do, specifically Sherlock, but it would be great to play a “normal guy” in a “normal comedy”.

ㄴThere are millions of reasons as to why I watch Sherlock and your perfect comedic timing is most definitely one of them!

ㄴㄴBC - Thank you. I learned from the master, Martin Freeman.

4) If you make an appearance on Sesame Street, which Muppet would you like to share a scene with?

BC- Animal

ㄴ But Animal isn’t a member of the Sesame Street cast!!

ㄴㄴ BC - Forgive me. Oscar the grouch.

5) I really enjoyed your portrayal of Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness.My question is that you’ve often portrayed some very famous literary characters, ie Sherlock Holmes, Victor Frankenstein, Smaug The Dragon, but if you could choose to be any other literary character in an upcoming role who would it be and why?

BC - Patrick Melrose in Edward St. Aubyn.

6) What are you currently reading for leisure, and what is your favorite novel of all time? Also, if you could play any stage role, be it opera, musicals, or plays, who would it be?

BC - See answer to fictional character I’d like to play. I have short term ambitions.

7) QUICK. whats in your pocket right now?

BC – My hand.

ㄴ How are you typing?

ㄴㄴ BC – With my left foot.

8) Do you, Matt Smith, and Tom Hiddleston have cheek bone polishing parties?

BC - We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet.

ㄴ I realise this will disappoint a lot of you

ㄴㄴ BC - Phenomenal. Why does Matt have the hammer? Sure it’s the wrong household tool? Shouldn’t it be a sonic toothbrush with a screwdriver on the end of it? And what’s Simon Pegg doing staring at my abundant locks? And where’s his right hand?

9) Is fame different from how you imagined it would be?

BC – You can’t imagine fame. You can only ever see it from an outsider and comment on it with the rueful wisdom of a non participant. When it happens to you, it doesn’t matter what age or how, it is a very steep learning curve. The important thing to realize in all of it is that life is short, to protect the ones you love, and not expose yourself to too much abuse or narcissistic reflection gazing and move on. If fame affords me the type of ability to do the kind of work I’m being offered, who am I to complain about the downsides. It’s all relative. And this are obviously very high class problems. The way privacy becomes an every shrinking island is inevitable but also manageable and it doesn’t necessary have to get that way…

10) Benedict, do you bother with Halloween? If so, what will you be this year?

BC - The invisible man. Oh, how I love to disappear.

 not again...

11) Hi Ben, what are a few of your favourite comfort movies that are nostalgic to you and you never tire of?

BC – Ghostbusters. Loads of John Hughes classics. Annie Hall. annnnnd 2001 Space Odyssey!!

12) If I make a brand of pants called “CumberBritches” will you endorse them?

BC - Only if you get me a billboard slot in Times Square.

13) Is it hard to keep the secret of how Sherlock survived? Do you ever have the urge to tell someone? If so, how do you cope?

BC - I cry myself to sleep at night. And then wake up laughing.

14) Julian Assange’s open letter to you criticizing The Fifth Estate is very intense. He even goes so far as to call you a “hired gun” for distorting the truth (or at least what he views as his truth). Did this affect the way you portrayed him or even make you second guess your role at all in this film?

BC - Yes, of course it did. To have the man you are about to portray ask you intelligently and politely not to do it gave me real cause for concern, however, it galvanized me into addressing why I was doing this movie. He accuses me of being a “hired gun” as if I am an easily bought cypher for right wing propaganda. Not only do I NOT operate in a moral vacuum but this was not a pay day for me at all. I’ve worked far less hard for more financial reward. This project was important to me because of the integrity I wanted to bring to provocative difficult but ultimately timely and a truly important figure of our modern times. The idea of making a movie about someone who so far removed from my likeness or situation who brought about an ideal through personal sacrifice that has changed the way we view both social media, the power of the individual to have a voice in that space, and be able to question both the hypocrisies and wrongdoings of organizations and bodies of powerful people that rule our lives… This resonated deeply with my beliefs in civil liberty, a healthy democracy, and the human rights of both communities and individuals to question those in authority. I believe that the film, quite clearly, illuminates the great successes of wikileaks and its extraordinary founder Julians Assange. As well as, examining the personalities involved and what become a dysfunctional relationship within that organization. While the legacy of his actions and the organizations continue to evolve and only history will be the true judge of where this is leading us. The Fifth Estate is a powerful, if dramatized, entry point for a discussion about this extraordinary lurch forward in our society. I wanted to create a three dimensional portrait of a man far more maligned in the tabloid press than he is in our film to remind people that he is not just the weird, white haired Australian dude wanted in Sweden, hiding in an embassy behind Harrods. But a true force to be reckoned with, achieved the realization of the great ideal. I’m proud to be involved in tackling such a contentious character and script. There is only personal truth in my opinion, and the film should provoke debate and not consensus. It should be enjoyable and ultimately empowering to realize that Julian has spearheaded a movement that is the foundations stone of The Fifth Estate, people journalism and what that is capable of including finding out the “truth” for yourself.

ㄴ And this is the proof against a Benedict Twitter account

ㄴㄴ BC - Julian complex important proud to have attempted an interpretation. Film out Oct. 18 #FifthEstate

ㄴ and he typed that out with his left foot.

ㄴㄴ BC - I used a bit of my right, too. And my nose. My hands were busy scratching my head.

ㄴ Plus you rock the fuck out of blond hair

ㄴㄴ BC - Well thank you, you’re in a much loved minority.

15) Seeing as to how you’ve been spending a lot of time in the US, what do you find was the most baffling thing about the customs here?

BC - I find that no one at the borders ever smiles.

16) Can you feel the love tonight?

BC - I’m feeling it right now. Leave me alone.

17) There has recently been a debate about whether television is finally on par with film as an artistic medium. As someone who has achieved considerable success in both TV and film, what is your opinion on this matter?

BC - I think there is no debate. I agree. And thank you for your assessment of my achievements.

18) Has there been a time when you’ve been completely starstruck meeting someone famous but had to play it cool because you’re famous too?

BC – Uhhhhhhhh. Every time I’ve met someone famous who I’ve been in the audience of. I have the same butterflies and inability to be cool. I approach them as a fellow member of the human race as the next person in their audience does. I’ve been doing this for 10 odd years, and so to meet people who thrilled me with their work for my entire life in such a concentrated manner as has happened over the last few years has been mind-blowing. One of the many perks of my job, I guess.

19) Have you turned down or missed out on any roles that you wish you had taken/gotten and what were they?

BC - Turned down, no. Missed out, yes. Being specific would be impolite.

20) This AMA has exceeded my wildest expectations. Has your sass increased since working with Martin Freeman, or were you always this sassy?

BC – Well of course Martin will be furious unless I say I owe it all to him. And believe me, his wrath is more fearsome than any dragons.

21) where has your favourite place been so far to visit?

BC – On an untouched New Zealand glacier via helicopter where I stepped out in trainers, jogging pants, and got out and danced.Or touching the earth after my first skydiving jump in Namibia. Or a balcony in South Africa where I felt the sun on my face after the night I was carjacked.

22) What do you think of your fans calling themselves ‘Cumbercookies’? That way when we all come together, we’ll be the ‘Cumberbatch’.

BC - It’s great! You could call yourself the Cumbergirls, and then when you come together you’d be a flock. Or you could call yourself the Cumbertadpoles and that way you’d be the Cumberspawn…Wait!…Ew! Don’t do that.

23) How did you find the Australian accent to mimic? I’ve heard it’s one of the more difficult ones to get right!

BC - Thanks to Sarah Shepard. I think we did Ok. She was a wonderful friend as well as help in perfecting the accent but in particular Julian’s speech patterns. And according to the Australian journalists I met in Toronto, we did a good job. I hope you agree. Thank you for your kind comments. It’s very appreciated from an Aussie. And especially one who must be almost as tired as I feel.

24) I don’t have a question. I just wanted to say that I think you are lovely in Sherlock and that my husband named our fish after you.

BC - I hope that fish lives a long life. Don’t put it near any rooftops.

25) Under protest (if I don’t write this my 15 year old daughter has said she’ll create a Reddit account, and I really don’t want her hanging out with some of the very strange people here), I am directed to say that the next time you come to Toronto you are welcome to come over for a roast beef and yorkshire pudding dinner. To subvert this message, I’m asking you to please bring a date.

BC – Thank you very much. I’ll try and create some time next time I’m over there with The Imitation Game. For some English grub with you. No promises, though.

26) HOW DID YOU SURVIVE THE FALL?! What? He told us to ask anything.

BC - Haven’t you seen winged suits on YouTube?? I told you I was into skydiving. How many more clues do you need people?

27) Any plans for working on anything for BBC Radio? I’m a huge fan of Cabin Pressure and would love to hear you all back for the last, “Z”, episode!

BC – Ask John Finnemore. He’s the writer. Hello John, if you’re out there. We love you!

28) With your (crazy) filming schedule, what creature comforts do you look forward to the most when returning home?

BC - Walking or running on Hampstead Heath, seeing my friends and family, cooking for myself, and the embrace of those I love. Beyond that, a whisky, the fire and a good book.

29) What’s the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a fan?

BC – Ted Danson at a pre-Oscar party screaming across a floor of people like Leonardo DiCaprio, Ray Liotta, Kristen Stewart, Kirsten Dunst, et al while pushing past them and knocking their drinks. “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! IT’S FUCKING SHERLOCK HOLMES!”

30) What was your favorite prank, done by you or to you, on or off set.

BC – Neutron cream. Come on, people!

PS. Anytime you’re in a restaurant with a group of friends and one of them goes to the restroom or bathroom (presume there are many nationalities involved in this AMA), tell the waiter that it’s that person’s birthday. Not only is it fun to embarrass the hell out of the poor victim, but you get free cake in the bargain.

31) Japan seems to really love you. Any funny/interesting/weird or simply memorable thing that happened to you there?

BC – Being greeted by 1000 people at an airport is pretty formidable as experiences in life go. I’d love to go there again and escape on a bullet train to the South Island to see Kyoto and more spots of beauty and spots of interest. A remarkable country that has been through so much in recent time that I’m very proud to be liked by. Thank you.

32) what are your top 5 favorite songs?

BC – At the moment:

       MS by Alt-J

       Strong by London Grammar

       Pretty much all of Sigur Ros’ Valtari album

       One Day Like This – Elbow

       Fever to the Form – Nick Mulvey

       Two Fingers – Jake Bugg

       I’m rubbish at counting, and favorites.

33) Mr. Cumberbatch, everyone loves you for a myriad of reasons: your personality, looks, hair, cheekbones, you name it. I was wondering, what’s your favorite part about you?

BC – I guess as an actor your eyes are vital in conveying any internal thought process or feeling, and for that I have my mum to thank. Other than that, I’m happy to default to your judgements.

34) My wife would sincerely like to know if you are wearing anything under your robe….. please respond, this is important for our mental wellbeing.

BC - You should be asking who’s naked under it with me.

35) Nutella or marmite?

BC – Marmite

Final Update: Thank you, reddit. This has been more fun than I imagined. It’s been great to be able to reach out and speak to a few of you. Sorry for those that I didn’t get to respond to. JA bless you all. See you all the next time.


Posted by mole64 :

며칠전 어느 캐프팬이 발견해서 캐프 팬닷이 뒤집어짐.

캐빈프레셔 티비 파일럿이라고??????

MJN 크루를 화면으로 볼 수 있다고??????????


그래서, 당연히 존피네모어에게 물어봤겠져

실수로 써져있는것은 아니라고함. 그러니까 진짜 뭔가 있긴 하다는거죠. 허나..

아직 한다 안한다 말할 수 있는 단계도 아닌듯.


어쨌든 생각중이라는거죠. 그것도 진지하게. 에이전트 페이지에 써져있을정도로 제대로 고려하고 있다는 얘기잖아요?

종교를 가져야겠다는 생각이 들었다

스카이갓에게 빌면 되나여?

그런데 만약 티비파일럿이 가능하게 된다고 하더라도 

기존 엠제엔 캐스팅으로 나온다는 보장은 없겠죠 특히 마틴크리프는....흡....

베니 아닌 마틴은 별로 상상하고 싶지 않은데요 TTTT_TTTT

Posted by mole64 :

BBC one에서 내년에 방영될(예상) 드라마 <The musketeers>

Written by Adrian Hodges, the series charts the fortunes of The Musketeers, an elite band of soldiers operating in 17th century Paris. D’Artagnan (Luke Pasqualino), Athos (Tom Burke), Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) and Porthos (Howard Charles) fight for what is just, and are heroes in the truest and most abiding sense - men we can trust and believe in to do the right thing, regardless of personal risk.

Adrian Hodges, creator of the series, said: “The four actors look brilliant together and it seems like they have been working together for years. The camaraderie between them makes each action-packed scene exciting and authentic, and the image we have released today really encapsulates that.”

The accomplished cast also includes Peter Capaldi, Tamla Kari, Maimie McCoy and Hugo Speer.

The 10-part drama (10x60-minute) for transmission in 2014 is a BBC Drama Production for BBC One, co-produced by BBC WorldWide and BBC America.

Jessica Pope is the BBC executive producer, Adrian Hodges is an executive producer and lead writer, and Colin Wratten is producer.

 아토스(톰 버크), 아라미스(산티아고 카브레라), 달타냥(루크 파스콸리노), 포르토스(하워드 찰스)

피캅과 톰버크는 디아워에서도 같이 나왔었다.

(디아워 작가님 이번 에미상도 받으셨는데ㅠㅠ 비비씨가 시즌3 계약안한거 생각하면 분통이 터짐)

달타냥 역 루크는 영화 설국열차의 그레이로 좀 알려져있고.

비비씨 오리지널 드라마 트레일러 중 the musketeers 부분만 추려서.

저 뒤에 피캅 있어요..!!!

그동안 올라온 리슐리외 피캅 촬영장 사진

리슐리외 역이라 그런지 옷이 겁나 부내나고 좋네요



Posted by mole64 :

개인적으로는 가장 재밌었던 삼시즌의 로테르담 에피ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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Posted by mole64 :